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Quiz – Mole Concept and Stoichiometry – 1

QUIZ - Problems / Numericals based on Mole Concept (Atomic Mass/ Molar Mass/ Avogadro number)

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Mass = Molar mass x Number of moles

Number of particles = Number of moles x Avogadro number


1 / 8

Calculate the number of formula units in 177 g PbCr


.  (Pb = 206, Cr = 52, O = 16, S = 32,  Avogadro number = No)

Mass = Molar mass x Number of moles

Number of particles = Number of moles x Avogadro number

Note that if it is not mention atom or molecule before mole, it always means one mole of that substance in its natural form. 

2 / 8

Calculate the number of molecules in 68.0g of 


. (N = 14, H = 1, Avogadro number = No)

  • Problem based on formula no. – 2  
    Number of moles = Given number of particles / Avogadro number
    Calculation of mole from number of particles and vice – versa.

3 / 8

Calculate the moles of 

3.01 x 1023

bromine atoms. (Br = 80).

  • Problem based on formula no. – 1     
    Mass = 
    Molar mass x Number of moles
    Calculation of mass from mole of any fundamental unit like atom, molecule and vice – versa.

4 / 8

Calculate the number of moles in 40.0 g


 (Br = 80).

  • Problem based on formula no. – 3
    Number of particles =

    Given mass molar mass

    x Avogadro number
    Calculation of number of particles from mass and vice – versa.

5 / 8

Calculate the mass of 

6.02 x 1025

sodium atoms. (Na = 23).

  • Problem based on formula no. – 1     
    Mass = 
    Molar mass x Number of moles
    Calculation of mass from mole of any fundamental unit like atom, molecule and vice – versa.

6 / 8

Calculate the number of moles in 4Kg 


  (Na = 23).

  • Problem based on formula no. – 1     
    Mass = 
    Molar mass x Number of moles
    Calculation of mass from mole of any fundamental unit like atom, molecule and vice – versa.
  • Note that if it is not mention atom or molecule before mole, it always means one mole of that substance in its natural form.

7 / 8

What is the mass of 5 moles of iron?

  • Problem based on formula no. – 1     
    Mass = 
    Molar mass x Number of moles
    Calculation of mass from mole of any fundamental unit like atom, molecule and vice – versa.

8 / 8

How many moles of hydrogen (H2) in 20 g of the gas?


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