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what is matter

  • To convert the temperature in celsius scale to kelvin scale, add 273 to it.
    0°C = 0 + 273 = 273K
    5°C = 5 + 273 = 278K
    100°C = 100 + 273 = 373K
    The temperature in kelvin scale is represented by symbol K and not °K.
  •  High melting point of a solid shows strong forces of attraction between its particles. Similarly, high boiling point of a liquid shows strong forces of attraction between its particles.
  •  Change in state                                                   Name of Change 
    Solid to liquid                                 –                          melting, fusion
    Liquid to gas                                   –                        boiling, evaporation
    Solid to gas                                      –                          sublimation
    Gas to solid                                     –                           deposition
    Gas to liquid                                   –                condensation, liquefaction
    liquid to solid                                 –                  freezing, solidification
  •  Changing states of matter is about changing density, pressure, temperature and other physical  properties. It must be noted that in changing states of matter, the basic chemical structure does not change.
  • Water freezes at 32oF or 0oC and boils at 212oF or 100oC. To convert the temperature in celsius scale from fahrenheit scale or vice-versa –
    (F-32) x 5/9 = C